Studded Snow Tire Use
Autumn is the season Missouri puts on its prettiest face. We’re tired of the summer heat, so it’s good to have a change. But, we have to stay on top of Missouri’s ever-changing road and weather conditions.
Those beautiful leaves will fall, so watch for them as they pile up on the road. They create a slick spot when they get wet. Due to changing temperatures, beware of frost on bridge floors.
It’s time to get the car ready for winter. That cold and snowy season will soon be here. November 1 is the date you can put on your studded snow tires in Missouri.
Missouri Revised Statute 307.171 states, No person shall operate any motor vehicle upon any road or highway of this state between the first day of April and the first day of November while the motor vehicle is equipped with tires containing metal or carbide studs.
Any person violating the provisions of this section is guilty of an infraction.
Winter in Missouri can be very harsh and dangerous, but the discomforts and difficulties it brings can be minimized if we do some careful planning and use common sense.
Allow yourself extra traveling time as winter demands we slow down.
Remember to give your car a chance to warm up before you begin your journey.
Clear all its windows of that pesky frost, snow, and ice.
Remember to use your headlights on those long, cold, gray days of winter. Better to be seen than hurt.
Keep a box of emergency equipment in the trunk of your car to be used if you become stranded on a cold, lonely, deserted road. Some of the equipment should include flares, blankets, flashlight, gloves, tools, and anything else that might help you in an emergency.
Always keep your fuel tank at least half full.
Never use cruise control when roads are slick.
Is your car ready for winter?
Here’s a good checklist: antifreeze, wiper blades, hoses, belts, battery, heater, exhaust, defroster, windshield washer, tires, etc.
Where’s the ice scraper?